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ChatGPT incorporated in Bing & Edge

BY Kanchan Srivastava

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A day after Google announced the soft launch of its AI-powered chatbot ‘Bard’, Microsoft on Tuesday stepped up its effort to regain a foothold in the Search and browser market after the decline of Internet Explorer which was once used by majority of netizens.

The Satya Nadella-led company unveiled its search engine and browser powered by the advanced artificial intelligence ChatGPT “to deliver better search, more complete answers, a new chat experience and the ability to generate content. We think of these tools as an AI copilot for the web,” it announced in a blog post.

The new Bing is available from today to a limited number of people, that too on desktop only. It promises to scale the desktop preview to “millions” and a mobile experience in the “coming weeks”.

MS has brought together search, browsing and chat into one unified experience. While it will provide quick sports scores, stock prices and weather, users can use a new sidebar for more comprehensive answers on the topic.

Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer of Microsoft explains in a blog, “The new Bing can generate content such as writing an email, creating a 5-day itinerary for a dream vacation, with links to book your travel and accommodations, prep for a job interview or create a quiz for trivia night. The new Bing also cites all its sources, so you’re able to see links to the web content it references.”

The MS-Edge browser will now have a Chat and compose feature. "With the Edge Sidebar, you can ask for a summary of a lengthy financial report to get the key takeaways – and then use the chat function to ask for a comparison to a competing company’s financials and automatically put it in a table.”

It's worthy to note that Microsoft once dominated the browser landscape with its Internet Explorer. Then in 2008, Google released the Chrome web browser, which offered better performance and features and gradually captured the 2/3rd market.

In 2020, MS launched Edge using the same Chromium engine as Google's Chrome with extra features and a modern user interface. Ever since it has been aggressive in its attempts to push Edge and regain the Browser market share from Google. It has taken a different stance on web tracking than Google though.

"While they operate in the same Android space, the gap between Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome remains huge. Google won’t fall from the top spot any time soon", experts say.

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