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Customer engagement & personalization is the name of the game: Mukund Seetharaman, Haptik

BY Nilanjana Basu

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Customer engagement has been a major part of the marketing experience for customers, especially in the digital era. The way marketing solutions have evolved is having a huge influence on areas like AI and personalization. Working on these very features, Haptik, a conversational AI marketing solution company has partnered with a bunch of technology and e-commerce companies.

In a conversation with exchange4media COO Mukund Seetharaman says, “We drive revenue and retention on messaging platforms. We do a whole lot of work with AI. We help clients go through their end-customer journeys.

Seetharaman also cautions about customer engagement as with the number of opportunities available, it is very important to choose the right path and make it fun and fruitful. He says there a bunch of things that brands can do and Haptik can help them with that. “The first one is obviously content, more personalized content when someone is looking for something. That is something that we do a lot in terms of getting the content to reach the right customers. So content is definitely a great avenue. This is like how Spotify gives you playlists in the morning when they know that you're going to exercise or run.

The second thing is the importance of interactions. That's where Haptik comes in - to have conversations with the potential customer or the prospect to help them discover and engage with the brand in some fashion.

The third is gamification. So, a lot of how to engage with a customer, with personalized content in a gamified mode is something which brands are trying to do. Connected to this are personalized offers and promotions, which I will also put as content because content is also promotional to a particular person.

Next is a lot of social media and engagement. That's where we also come in. While WhatsApp is possibly the most used app on our phones that's a very transactional app. We have seen that an emotional connection with the brand happens sometimes on Instagram.

He talks about conversational commerce and how AI can help with finding super complex products and having complex conversations, making everyone’s job easier.

Speaking about the future of the company, Seetharaman says the focus is on the next six months as technology is evolving too fast for a possible two-year plan. “In the next six months, we have a fairly clear view on what we want to do. The first one is analytics. We feel we are the first point of call when a customer or a prospect speaks to you a client. When they speak to a bot , it is as good as taking first level feedback. How to use that analytics for brands to really improve their business, their loyalty, their experience is something that we're investing a lot. Second is obviously the current trend of generative AI or using large language models to really make interactions or conversations with the brand; much more sensitive, much more nuanced, able to offer answers in different circumstances in a different way and much more precise. We are also doing a lot more on social media. WhatsApp is so deep in India, we are very certain that Instagram is going to have to that. So, we feel Instagram is an additional avenue. These are the three four things that we have planned for the next six months.”

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