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IKEA announces second season of Better Living Challenge


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Aims to inspire and enable more people to live a more sustainable life at home, by following simple everyday solutions IKEA, the world’s leading multichannel Swedish home furnishing retailer announced the IKEA Better Living Challenge 2021, to celebrate small changes that can make a big difference to your home and to the world. The company had launched the Better Living app last year to enable the many Indians to live a more sustainable life at home, by following simple and everyday solutions that can help make a big difference. The app shows how much energy, carbon, or water people are saving in real time and shows easy ideas to lead an environment friendly life at home. In the first season of the Better Living Challenge, that took place in August 2020, the app had record-breaking 27485 user downloads, IKEA India broke records to stand as the country with highest downloads in Ingka Group for positive impact on society and environment. Last year, the challenge helped save 37.8 thousand kgs of (CO2) carbon footprint, equivalent to burning 44,000 liters of Diesel. The app also supported to conserve 1.4 million liters of water, equivalent to drinking water requirement of 1.86 lakh people in India. For this year’s challenge too, over 100 cashback offers as prizes are available. Top 05 winners can get cash back as much as INR 10,000 per person. Offers range from INR 1,000-10,000. “We have seen an overwhelming response from our customers for the Better Living Challenge in 2020. India saw record breaking user downloads and was also among the top in the IKEA world. India had the highest number of downloads compared to any other IKEA country globally. With the IKEA Better Living app, we want to make it easy and fun for everyone to live a more climate-friendly everyday life. The app is free to use, and helps people learn about their personal footprint and how to shrink it. Globally, it includes bigger steps, like installing solar panels, as well as many smaller actions, like reducing your shower time or eating plant-based for a day. Users can log their sustainable actions to compete in challenges, earn points and receive prizes. Over 91,750 customers have downloaded the app across 20 countries. Through the actions they’ve logged, we estimate they have avoided over 22,000 tonnes of CO2 and 1,000 tonnes of waste and saved 199 million liters of water. The Better Living Challenge 2021 will be a key milestone towards our goals of being climate positive and to enable over a billion people to live more sustainably by the end of 2030.” says Preet Dhupar, Chief Finance Officer and Sustainability Lead, IKEA India. IKEA Better Living App is used as a source to take the lead to engage with maximum people in order to inspire action towards a low-carbon society. It helps convert sustainability tips into actions that customers log in the app and do them in real-life. IKEA Better Living App Challenge 2021 starting 11 March 2021, is an app-based gaming action where everyone and anyone can join in and act together towards a better home and a happy planet. This will be a four-week challenge that ends on 10 April 2021. Impact and winner announcement will be on Earth Day, 22 April 2021. After the challenge is over, individuals can continue to use the app and log in their sustainable activities. The challenge is to help as many people as possible to adapt a sustainable lifestyle. Logging the actions will help customers understand how much they are contributing to building a healthy planet. This challenge aims to raise awareness and build knowledge on resource use and ways to reduce environmental footprint.

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