Video personalisation with AI: On every marketer’s festive checklist this year

Brands are capitalizing on Generative AI to realize a host of benefits, from scaling up personalization efforts to tailoring content to individual preferences, at a previously unimaginable scale

by Shantanu David
Published - September 21, 2023
5 minutes To Read
Video personalisation with AI: On every marketer’s festive checklist this year

Shah Rukh Khan is on a roll these days, and not just because of the massive success of his last two outings to the cinema. While his AI- powered Cadbury ad earlier this year generated much attention and many plaudits (including a Cannes Lion for Cadbury and agency Ogilvy Mumbai), ITC Sunfeast and media partner IPG just announced a new campaign which will allow consumers to ‘co-star’ with India’s King using the power of, you guess it, Generative AI.

And while Khan may be the shiniest example, he’s not the only star shining a light on how brands can use AI to deliver personalized experiences to customers like never before. From Virat Kohli and ViVo to Ayushmann Khurrana and Wakefit, brands and celebrities are turning to the technology like never before, just in time for the festive season.

Sanjeev Jasani, COO, Cheil India, says, “After brands like Cadbury led the way, advertisers have become more confident and have started experimenting with Generative AI to create personalized video ads. This technology allows brands to efficiently generate multiple variations of video content, catering to diverse customer preferences. It's a cost-effective way to scale up personalization during high-demand periods and goes a long way in delivering a great experience as well.”

Anupreet Singh, Chief Revenue Officer at, a video personalization company that leverages the power of generative AI to provide its ever-growing roster of clients is even more emphatic. “In one sentence, I would say that any brand that does not use video personalization during this festive season will face a very hard time in having any kind of brand recall. And the reason why I say that is because the number of brands that are trying to do that this season are a lot. If a brand is sending a text message or a generic video, in the larger scheme of the total number of messages that you will get, you'll never remember that something like that happened. So, I think the acceleration of the use of AI in this festive season will be massive.”’s list of clients reads like a who’s who of both Indian and global brands, as more companies turn to the technology, but because of the efficiencies of AI in cost as well as quality, Singh says the technology is being embraced widely.

“Companies are now joining the fold because they are seeing direct ROI out of it and a lot of these big brands are using us to build their top-of-mind awareness to cut through the noise and create a campaign that really stands out. Also, a lot of upcoming brands are looking at it as a performance marketing hack. Brands like 82 East are using us for their communications across the board. And even several start-ups and smaller brands are turning to us,” says Singh.

Vivek Kumar Anand, Chief Business Officer, DViO Digital, says that as brands seek to capture the attention and emotions of their audiences during the festive season, utilising AI allows them to stand out, remain relevant, and create memorable experiences. “The landscape of festive advertising is evolving, with AI playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of how brands communicate and engage with their audiences. Advertisers are teaming up with Generative AI to craft festive adverts that feel just for you. It's about adding that personal touch, making visuals stand out, and ensuring everything's set for the festive rush.”

He adds, “Here at DViO, we fully embrace AI, refining our new tool with insights from past projects. And we're not the only ones; big tech names are pouring resources into AI, underscoring its massive importance in the market.”

Amitt Sharma, Founder and CEO, VDO.AI, says that advertisers are tapping into the tremendous potential of Generative AI to transform their festive ad campaigns by allowing the creation of dynamic, personalised and engaging CTV/OTT advertisements at scale.

“In fact, we've been experiencing a surge in requests from brands seeking to collaborate on customized AI campaigns with us for Q4. This trend underscores the ever-growing appetite for innovative AI-driven solutions that can elevate brands' engagement with their audiences and drive meaningful results,” says Sharma.

Atrayee Chakraborty, Knowledge and Strategy Partner, Lodestar UM, says that Generative AI adoption in advertising is experiencing rapid growth. According to a recent study conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), a remarkable 40% of advertisers intend to incorporate generative AI into their marketing campaigns within the next year. “This marks a substantial increase from a mere 10% in 2021, underscoring the technology's expanding influence in the industry.”

“This technology capitalizes on a wealth of data, including past purchase history, browsing behaviours, and social media interactions, to craft personalized content that encompasses everything from scripts to storyboards and visually engaging elements. Brands are capitalizing on Generative AI to realize a host of benefits, from scaling up personalization efforts, to tailoring content to individual preferences at a previously unimaginable scale,” says Chakraborty.

However, Jasani cautions that brands should exercise caution in the area of data privacy and take all necessary permissions before implementing these ideas. “The technology is fairly simple but the beauty is in what idea you wrap around it. Even though technologies like Generative AI are fast catching on, I still believe that in our business of communication, you will need an idea to make it stand out and do its job. That’s why the business of ideas can never be replaced by AI but will only be enhanced by it.”

Sharma agrees, noting that brands need to be watchful of the potential pitfall of excessive reliance on technology, which could result in a disconnect from their audience. “Striking the right balance involves prioritizing interactive and audience-centric advertising strategies. These strategies may encompass localized and IP-address enabled ad delivery, incorporating elements of gamification, and incorporating remote-based integrated polls. These measures serve to engage viewers while remaining sensitive to the evolving needs and preferences of the audience.”