Marketing Moments
Law & Kenneth Saatchi & Saatchi names Delna Sethna as...

Law & Kenneth Saatchi & Saatchi, Publicis Communications’ full-service creative agency, has named Delna Sethna as its Chief Creative Officer....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
Why companies should leverage Mobile Video Advertising to strengthen their...

Mobile and video have been the buzzwords for digital advertising over the last few years. The reason for this is....

By Peng Hsu

Marketing Moments
BTVI brings power packed line up to decode Budget 2018

As the Central Government gears up to present the last full budget before elections in 2019, India’s English business news....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
In 2018, over 90% marketeers are expected to launch influencer...

From one-off campaigns to an always-on mode is the future of influencer marketing in India In 2018, 92 percent marketeers....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
Sachin Saga Cricket Champions straight drives to 2 Million downloads...

Gaming company JetSynthesys to celebrate this milestone by hosting the first ever mobile eSports event at the India Gaming Show.....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
Kshitij | IIT Kharagpur | 19th-21st January 2018

KSHITIJ, organised by IIT Kharagpur, is a fest much awaited by tech-lovers across the country.Since its inception in 2004 it....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
Jumanji Fever At The D.N. Nagar Metro Station, Mumbai

Here’s some good news for all you movie buffs and Jumanji fans in Mumbai. The D.N. Nagar metro station has....

By pitchteam

Marketing Moments
How has social media marketing taken over India?

It does not come as a surprise to me that technology has taken over our lives, slowly but steadily making....

By Rohan Mehta

Marketing Moments

Music video is the next chapter of Shell’s award-winning #makethefuture campaign on clean energy initiatives Shell and a band of....

By pitchteam

Q&A with Megha Tata, Chief Operating Officer, BTVI

1. Please tell our readers about key Digital trends that are reshaping the media industry. • Video First world •....

By pitchteam