SleepX rolls out the #PracticeSafeSleep campaign for the launch of its latest Personal Protector

The personal protector sheet is India’s first Neem Fresche solution for the ultimate germ protection wherever you sleep SleepX, the e-commerce brand from Sheela Foam Ltd. (Makers of the flagship brand Sleepwell) has launched a new campaign to reiterate its commitment to pr

by Team PITCH
Published - March 08, 2021
2 minutes To Read
SleepX rolls out the #PracticeSafeSleep campaign for the launch of its latest Personal Protector

The personal protector sheet is India’s first Neem Fresche solution for the ultimate germ protection wherever you sleep SleepX, the e-commerce brand from Sheela Foam Ltd. (Makers of the flagship brand Sleepwell) has launched a new campaign to reiterate its commitment to providing safe sleeping options to its consumers. Titled ‘#PracticeSafeSleep’, the campaign announces the launch of a first-of-its-kind portable personal protector sheet that allows consumers to choose safe sleep wherever they go. The Personal Protector is a unique offering from SleepX that is easy to carry, hence enabling customers to have a safe and stress-free sleep at any place and time. The campaign is flagged with a video that is launched on YouTube. It showcases the stories of three youngsters who narrate their individual experiences of a bad sleep, and how they missed taking precautions during their sleepovers, thereby adding to the chances of breeding of germs in their bodies that leads to various diseases. Old mattresses breed dust mites and fungus that cause various skin and breathing problems. SleepX Personal Protector used over the old mattress acts as a personal protection shield against these germs, ensuring one stays healthy and hygienic. The SleepX Personal Protector does more than providing physical barriers against spill overs. Below are some other advantages of personal protector sheet: Being easy to carry, the personal protector can be carried while travelling and placed on any unsensitized surfaces such as beds in hotel rooms, outdoor camps, guest bedrooms, railway coach beds etc. The sheet is treated with Neem Fresche Technology to eliminate germs and allergens from mattresses, keeping you healthy and hygienic Neem Fresche technology used in it is certified by US Environmental Protection Agency, and is ideal for usage by all, but compulsory for infants, elderly and patients Speaking on this, Mr. Sumit Sehgal, Chief Marketing Officer, Sheela Foam Ltd. said, “We have always endeavored to integrate the highest-level personalization in SleepX’s product portfolio. The current situation demands practicing safety in all aspects of our lives. The Personal Protector mattress is a step ahead to achieve that hygiene in mattresses wherever one sleeps. We are confident that the product will receive a positive response from our audience.” The SleepX Personal Protector mattress comes in the form of a water-resistant breathable fabric, that is easy to wash and clean. It is to be placed right beneath the bedsheet and above a mattress. The product is very attractively priced at INR 699 and can be purchased from the official SleepX website. However, it is recommended to exchange the old one after every 100 nights.