Now view Reels, within the Instagram Lite app

Instagram Lite app began testing in India in December 2020 Instagram has just announced an update for the new Instagram Lite app - people will now be able to view Reels within the app. India is the first country where the feature to view reels will be available to people

by Team PITCH
Published - February 24, 2021
1 minute To Read
Now view Reels, within the Instagram Lite app

Instagram Lite app began testing in India in December 2020 Instagram has just announced an update for the new Instagram Lite app - people will now be able to view Reels within the app. India is the first country where the feature to view reels will be available to people. The Instagram Lite app began testing in India in December 2020, with the aim of providing an app that’s less than 2MB in size and is built to deliver an Instagram experience that remains fast and reliable for more people. The app experience is similar to the core Instagram app experience, though at launch some features were not supported such as Reels and IGTV creation. Now with this update, everyone using the Instagram Lite app in India will be able to view Reels with the Reels tab. This feature was expedited for India because of the traction Reels is seeing in India and the early adoption of the new Instagram Lite app.