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Radio icon Ameen Sayani no more


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Iconic radio presenter Ameen Sayani is no more. He was 91.

As per media reports, Ameen Sayani passed away on Tuesday night after suffering from a heart failure.

He even had a signature style of saying 'Bhaiyo or Behno'.

Geetmala shot to fame in 1952 and was aired for decades till 1994. Sayani would offer his insights into the songs during the programme. The show was also revived briefly in the early 2000s.

In an interview with e4m in 2003, Sayani spoke about the evolution of listnership, the impact of western influences on Indian tunes and more. On Geetmala he said: "As years progressed, Geetmala gained in credibility and became so reliable that HMV would ask us for an advance list so that they could keep pressing those numbers, and not land in a situation where records were sold out. In the later years, as the programme gained in popularity, we wanted to air it on Vividh Bharati too, but the station wasn’t ready to accept the programme with the same name. It took on the programme only after we changed the name to ‘Cibaca Sangeetmala.’ So it was telecast on two stations, as ‘Cibaca Geetmala’ on Radio Ceylon, and as ‘Cibaca Sangeetmala’ on Vividh Bharati. After the show was discontinued on Radio Ceylon, it was telecast as ‘Cibaca Geetmala’ on Vividh Bharati."

Tributes for the iconic voice and presenter have been pouring in on social media.

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