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‘Koffee With Karan’ helped us increase brand visibility: Bala Sarda, VAHDAM India

BY Sohini Ganguly

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Tea has been an Indian household favourite, since probably time immemorial. May 21 is celebrated as International Tea Day every year, and to mark the same exchange4media engaged in a chat with a new-age tea brand VAHDAM India’s Founder & CEO Bala Sarda, to discuss how this particular industry is shaping up and how the brand is making its presence felt, amidst the already existing behemoths in this category.

Sarda agrees that this is a category that has been largely dominated by legacy brands in India. Speaking about how VAHDAM still entered the space, he said, “Our approach began with a bold mission to disrupt the centuriesold global supply chain by directly sourcing from 150 farms across India, thereby eliminating unnecessary intermediaries. This vertical integration has empowered us to uphold uncompromising standards of quality in our teas and spices, ensuring that every product maintains the integrity of its origin.”

Additionally, a customer-focused approach and prioritising consumer needs and preferences have helped the brand to differentiate itself in the competitive tea market.

The consumer demands, Sarda says, are also constantly evolving in the tea industry, as they continue to seek not just the product but also brands with integrity and ones that contribute positively to society and resonate beyond their core offerings. Therefore, through programmes dedicated to the education of farmers' children and
scholarships, the brand is aiming to introduce Indians to a tea consumption experience that is enriching and socially responsible.

The originally digital-first brand recently also took the brick-and-mortar route to go omnichannel and even global. “Our decision to adopt an omnichannel business model stemmed from profound consumer insights and the understanding that tea is a sensorial experience that transcends digital platforms,” Sarda added. Globally, the brand has a retail presence in key markets such as the USA, UK, Canada, and Europe.

Sarda pointed out that there is an increasing demand towards premium tea and wellness products in India and abroad. “This omni-channel approach not only aligns with our global expansion plans but also responds to this increasing demand,” he said.

On the marketing front, VAHDAM was also spotted on Disney+Hotstar’s ‘Koffee With Karan’ in 2022. “The KWK team discovered our brand and found our genuine brand story and customer love compelling,” said Sarda. The show eventually led to an increase in brand visibility and awareness for VAHDAM. “The exposure on such a widely-watched platform helped us reach new audiences and strengthen our presence in the market,” he added.

But partnering with OTT shows is not the only marketing strategy that VAHDAM has adopted. On the digital advertising front, Sarda shared platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook have also helped the brand to target specific communities with engaging content that resonates with the audience. “By leveraging these platforms, we can reach consumers through visually appealing posts, stories, and videos that highlight our brand values and product offerings. This helps us build a strong online presence and foster community engagement,” he mentioned.

Sarda also shared that email marketing is another key component of VAHDAM’s marketing strategy. “This direct communication channel allows us to deliver tailored messages that cater to individual preferences and needs, helping us foster strong relationships with our audience and drive customer loyalty,” he added.

As for influencer marketing and the rise of fake followers, Sarda says that the brand chooses influencers by carefully vetting them based on engagement metrics, content quality, and audience demographics. “By doing so, we've been able to see tangible results in terms of increased brand awareness, higher engagement rates, and even conversions,” he noted.

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Tags : Internet Advertising India Marketing News PR and Corporate Communication News Digital Media News Television Media News People Movement Bala Sarda VAHDAM India