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Attribution in digital advertising: A problem of plenty

BY Shantanu David

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It’s that problem ofplentythat makes attribution such a tricky component in the multidimensional and multimedia digital advertising space. Indeed, one of the biggest pain points for an advertiser is that they are drowning in data, but struggling for insights. Another growing challenge is the sheer number of multiple marketing channels, consumer platforms and touchpoints, which complicates the attribution process further.

The popular axiom ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ doesn’t apply here, because who’s to say whatisbroken and what’s working just fine? This is a point we had breezed over earlier as exchange4media argued for the need forunified platformsand metrics to help determine efficacies and strategies in ad spends. The subsequentaddition of Generative AIinto an already convoluted equation hasn’t helped much, especially in a field driven more by informed creativity rather than stark stats and math.

“The conventional approach to measurement and attribution overlooks constraints such as publisher overlap from adding too many channels, uni-dimensional view of data, and inaccurate attribution focused primarily on last-click. Advertisers can, thus, find themselves trapped in a counterproductive cycle that restricts the unique reach of their campaigns, potentially leading to misallocation of budgets,” says Vipul Kedia, Chief Data and Platforms Officer at Affle, adding that accurate attribution and measurement are essential for any performance marketer aiming to derive the true value of their ad spends.

“ Within advertising, not every view should be considered equal. Streaming TV’s premium environment stands apart from social and user-generated content (UGC) platforms. Audiences flock to streaming because of the high-quality programming, the lighter ad load, and the prospect of discovering new, exclusive content. This high engagement with the content results in more attentive viewing to both the programming and the advertising,” observes Gavin Buxton, Managing Director, Asia, Magnite.

Ashutosh Nagare, Vice President – Head of Performance Marketing, Interactive Avenues believes that advertisers must define clear KPIs or goals for each campaign and understand the audience available on different platforms.

“User behaviour on Google or YouTube differs from that on Meta, Snapchat, and X (formerly Twitter), necessitating a tailored strategy for each. Measurement tools play a crucial role in determining ROI against the investments made. Furthermore, advertisers need to stay informed about industry standards, study data thoroughly to identify anomalies, and use viewability metrics to ensure that ads are seen by real users rather than bots,” he says.

In the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape, advertisers must employ a versatile approach to maximize the value of their investments. Manoj Kandasamy, National Lead Digital– Motivator (GroupM), believes that one key strategy is the adoption of a unified measurement standard or leveraging third-party analytics tools, providing a consistent benchmark across diverse platforms.

“Establishing clear third-party reporting cadence on crucial metrics based on campaign KPIs helps mitigate discrepancies and ensures accountability. Conducting regular audits and performance evaluations further reinforces platform accountability, guaranteeing the delivery of promised results,” he adds.

An all-encompassing strategy, intertwining technology, communication, and oversight, is imperative for advertisers to safeguard their digital investments. This approach goes beyond media spends, extending its protective reach to owned assets like websites, apps, and data repositories such as data lakes or Customer Data Platforms (CDPs). In the dynamic and multifaceted world of digital marketing, this comprehensive strategy becomes the linchpin for advertisers seeking not only to thrive but also to protect their digital investments across various fronts.

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Because of the same problem ofplentymentioned above, users would see a variety of ads from different platforms before taking the desired action.

This is why Kedia says that deeper attribution analysis across all touchpoints is needed for marketers to account for all of these ads when determining who gets the credit for this action.  “Analysis of the complete consumer journey provides a more holistic view and helps measure incrementally better. It also helps keep a check on ad fraud as the effect of ad stacking or click spamming becomes easier to identify. The absence of precise attribution can result in misguided decision-making, inefficient resource allocation, and subpar campaign performance.”

With incomplete insights into attribution and how/where the user conversion is taking place, advertisers might inadvertently invest in channels or strategies that seem effective based on flawed attribution models, ultimately resulting in wasted advertising expenditure.

Magnite researchin India found that advertising on streaming TV can more effectively capture attention and influence purchasing decisions than other channels like social media. 64% of streamers in India report that they are more receptive to ads on streaming platforms than ads on social media.

“To help mitigate this, buyers should work with technology partners who provide access to the measurement and currency solutions that best serve their businesses. Magnite works with a variety of measurement and attribution experts to provide our clients with a range of solutions and aims to enable easy activation of any measurement solution that brings greater transparency to TV transactions. This helps ensure advertisers are getting the most value from their investments and can plan, transact, measure, and optimize with greater ease,” says Buxton.

Experts agree that proper attribution is not merely a detail; it is a linchpin in the era of data-driven decision-making. It plays a pivotal role in successful media planning, influencing crucial aspects such as identifying target audiences, optimizing content, and making informed choices about media and budget allocation.

“Failing to implement accurate attribution not only jeopardizes return on investment but also undermines the ability to pivot the campaigns for maximum impact. In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, where data reigns supreme, ensuring precise attribution is the key to unlocking the full potential of digital investments,” says Kandasamy.

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Tags : Attribution Ashutosh Nagare Generative AI Manoj Kandasamy