Marketing Moments
Post cookie chaos, will Google users now try the SearchGPT...

While some industry watchers say Google has potential threats in the Search domain, others opine that the tech major still....

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Time for India to snap out of cookie complacency?

A cookieless future is inevitable, say experts as they recommend alternative technologies like FLoC and privacy-preserving mechanisms instead

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Google retains cookies on menu; AdTech biz to go on...

Google’s move could make the AdTech industry more fragmented, noted experts, adding that it was time to address the challenge....

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Google scraps third-party cookie deprecation 

Anthony Chavez VP, Privacy Sandbox, has said that instead of deprecating third-party cookies Google will introduce a ‘new experience’ in....

By Sohini Ganguly

Marketing Moments
Data Dilemma: Why are brands looking to PAIR up with...

Industry watchers share how advertisers can use PAIR and target customers with relevant ads without sharing sensitive identifiers

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Cookie phase-out delay: Much-needed breather for publishers to get their...

The delay, say experts, will allow publishers to firm up on the technologies they are going to be using as....

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Cookie still here: Where are marketers headed?

Delay of cookie phase-out isn't just a postponement, but a wake-up call. It underscores need for an ecosystem that prioritises....

Marketing Moments
Google delays cookie phase-out again

'We will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4,' said the tech giant in a blog....


Marketing Moments
Meta automated ad glitch: No red flags yet, say Indian...

While a section of advertisers globally have raised concerns, others say that such glitches happen during big policy changes and....

By Sohini Ganguly

Marketing Moments
Cookie crunch kicks off first-party data race

FMCG companies are currently the biggest investors in first-party data with some big spenders even considering investing in data-mining models,....

By Sohini Ganguly