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LS passes Press & Registration of Periodicals Bill; listing new title now easier


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n a historic decision, the Lok Sabha today passed the Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023, repealing the colonial era law of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. The Bill has already been passed by Rajya Sabha in the Monsoon Session.

The new statute – The Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023- makes the process of allotment of title and registration of periodicals simple and simultaneous, through an online system without the requirement of any physical interface. This would enable the Press Registrar General to fasttrack the process, thereby ensuring that publishers, especially small and medium publishers, face little difficulty in starting a publication.  

The Minister further added that it has been the priority of the Government to end criminality, improve ease of doing business and ease of living through new laws and accordingly, efforts have been made to substantially decriminalise the colonial era statute. For certain violations, financial penalties have been proposed instead of conviction as earlier. Further, a credible appellate mechanism, headed by the Chairperson, Press Council of India has been provided for.  Stressing upon the ease of doing business aspect, Shri Thakur said the title registration process, which sometimes took two to three years, would now be done in 60 days.

The Act of 1867 was a legacy of the British Raj which intended to exercise complete control over the press and the printers and publishers of newspapers and books along with heavy fines and penalties including imprisonment for various violations. It was felt that in today’s age of free press and the Government’s commitment to uphold media freedom, the archaic law was totally out of sync with the current media landscape, said the ministry in a press statement. 


The salient features of the Bill are:


I       Grant of title allotment and Certificate of Registration Periodicals


  1. The Bill provides for a simple online mechanism to apply for title verification and grant of certificate of registration by the Press Registrar General to a periodical as a simultaneous process.

  2. There is no requirement of furnishing any declaration before the local authority or its authentication by the local authority.

  3. A person who has been convicted by any court for an offence involving terrorist act or unlawful activity, or having done anything against the security of the State shall not be permitted to bring out a periodical.

  4. Facsimile edition of a foreign periodical can be printed in India with prior approval of the Central Government and its registration with the Press Registrar General.


II        Printing Presses


  1. A printer of a periodical to furnish an online intimation to the Press Registrar General and the local authority.

  2. No requirement by the Printer to file any declaration before the local authority or obtain authentication from the authority.

III.       Role of District magistrate/local authority


  1. The Bill envisages minimalistic role of the District Magistrate/local authority with regard to grant of Certificate of Registration and title allotment.

  2. On receipt of an application, the District Magistrate is expected to provide its comments/NOC to the Press Registrar General within 60 days; thereafter the Press Registrar General can proceed to take a decision for grant of registration even where the comments/NOC are not received from the DM/local authority after 60 days.

  3. No requirement for a publisher to file any declaration before the District Magistrate.

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