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Jennifer Aniston forgets who David Schwimmer is in new Super Bowl ad for Uber Eats


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Friendsstars Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer have starred in a new Uber Eats commercial ahead of Super Bowl 2024, which kicks off on Sunday 11 February. The two also reference their shared stint at the hit sitcom in the hilarious ad, thrilling Friends fans everywhere.

Other celebs such as Posh and David Beckham, and Usher also have cameos in the commercial. The ad is centred on the notion that to remember something, you’ve got to forget something else. “To make a little room,” explains Aniston to her assistant who gets her flowers for Uber Eats.

So, to remember that Uber Eats can deliver almost anything, everyone in the ad forgets a crucial piece of memory. Posh and Becks forget the name of the band the former was famously a part of. “Wasn’t it the Cinnamon Sisters?” asks Posh.

“I hope I get to play a half-time show someday, man,” sighs Usher, forgetting that he once headlined the half-time performance at the Super Bowl, singing his hit song “OMG.”

Aniston, unfortunately, forgets herFriendsco-star David Schwimmer, one half of the universally loved couple Ross and Rachel. Despite Schwimmer’s best attempts, Aniston can’t remember her former co-star.

Uber Eats also roped in the Beckhams to recreate the famous “be honest” moment from David Beckham’s documentary. The ad lampooned the moment David called out Posh after she claimed to have grown up in a “working-class family.” In reality, she was chauffeur-driven to school in a Rolls Royce.

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Tags : Jennifer Aniston Uber Eats David Schwimmer Ross And Rachel