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DMRC invites advertising bids for Red Line

BY Noel D'souza

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The tender issued by DMRC states that the chosen bidder will have ‘exclusive advertising rights’ for a span of 9 years The Delhi Metro has witnessed increased movement after the lockdown started easing. Since the unlock, metro rails are seeing commuter traffic come back on track with safety measures in place. As per DMRC data, Metro footfall has risen from 6.8 lakh/day in September’20 to 12 lakh/day in October’20. In the light of these developments, DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.) has invited advertisers to bid through an open e-tender for Line 1 (Red Line). This bidding will be for Exclusive Rights of Delhi Metro Trains on Line 1 for 9 years. The submission process of the e-tender bill will be allowed till the 14th of Jan 2021. After which, on 15th January 2021, the bids will be open.

The Licensee shall earmark 5 % out of total advertisement spaces inside the Metro trains for carrying out DMRC campaign, social activities, social messages, etc. in consonance with its extant CSR policy. Cost for printing advertisements concerning social marketing activities or social messages shall be borne by DMRC. The awarded bidder will also be able to curate new innovative advertising opportunities of metro trains like experiential marketing, advertisements by visual aids, smart posters for use e-commerce for on-line or off-line shopping purposes, etc. However, Advertisements on RMs (Route Maps), the floor of Trains and straphangers are not permissible. Also, there is no scope for any Digital advertisement in this contract which is a drawback as there is growing importance in DOOH in the current market environment. The quoted annual license fee will be escalated and increased by 20% on completion of every 3 years of the License Period on a compounding basis. As per the contract conditions, the licensee can use up to 10% of the total train coaches/cars subject to a maximum limit of 20% of the total train sets under operational holdings of any make and configuration on Line-1. This works out to be 62 coaches/cars in 8 train sets. Stressing on the importance to bid and gain exclusive rights, a Delhi OOH advertiser said off the record, “This bidding process is indeed a welcome move and will help with the ongoing visibility of brands on transit as the numbers of commuters have increased. Delhi Metro caters to 1.5 million passengers per day in providing a novel media channel to advertisers. Branding on DMRC ensures eyeballs for advertisers from an ROI perspective and is the preferred outdoor media site for an ever-increasing number of brands.” Read the entire tender report by DMRC here: http://www.delhimetrorail.com/otherdocuments/922/RFP-17122020.pdf

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Tags : latest-stories DMRC Transit Advertising Delhi metro ad bidding