Marketing Moments
YouTube Pause Ads: A good break from routine formats?

Advocates of Pause Ads say when users voluntarily pause a video, they're often in a receptive state, potentially making them....

By Sohini Ganguly

Marketing Moments
India is today YouTube's largest market with over a million...

YouTube has launched two new options for advertisers - Pause Ads and Branded QR Code


Marketing Moments
YouTube’s big bet on creators and Shorts: How can marketers...

Experts say by fostering this ecosystem, YouTube draws interesting and varied content, offering advertisers a dynamic platform to reach target....

By Shantanu David

Marketing Moments
Neal Mohan’s YouTube 2024 pitch: Are marketers taking note?

Industry experts are unanimous that YouTube is well-placed to grow at a rapid pace, revolutionise advertiser relationships and user experience,....

By Shantanu David