'We Use Classic Journalistic Rigour of Print & TV & Package It In The Digital Format’

Rishi Pratim Mukherjee, Co-Founder & CEO, Jist Media talks about the origin of Jist Media, its mission, challenges faced, content and monetisation strategy, the road ahead for Jist and more

by Ritika Raj
Published - May 16, 2024
4 minutes To Read
Exclusive: Pitch BrandTalk - Rishi Pratim Mukherjee of Jist Media in Conversation with Ritika Raj

In a new episode of Pitch BrandTalk - a video series that engages with the senior management of brands to churn out innovative insights - Pitch had an insightful conversation with Rishi Pratim Mukherjee, Co-founder & CEO of Jist Media. After establishing ventures like Scoopwhoop and OK Tested, Mukherjee in this chat shares Jist Media's mission to empower millennials and Gen Z by navigating the ever-growing stream of digital information. He sheds light on the company's origin, its focus on high-quality content, and its plans for the future of media consumption. 

The Genesis of Jist Media

Mukherjee explains the inspiration behind Jist Media, stating, "The insight to create Jist was very simple. It was basically that, as consumers of digital news and content ourselves, what we're seeing in our day-to-day lives is that there is a lot of information that is sort of coming to us on a day-to-day, minute-to-minute basis." He emphasises the constant influx of content, highlighting the challenge for younger audiences: "Today, you cannot escape news and content even if you want it to."

Recognising the shift in content consumption habits, Mukherjee underscores the importance of audio-visual formats: "The content is not something which is easily accessible to a lot of people because for understanding an article or to understand something which is written, literacy and education are big factors. Whereas to consume content via the audio-visual media, whether  video or podcast, takes the literacy factor out of the equation."

Standing Out from the Crowd

While content creation is flourishing, Mukherjee acknowledges the challenges of differentiation: "I don't think there are many challenges today in creating content. The challenge is to build a brand, to build repeatability of usage of the brand and for brand recall and the final part of the jigsaw puzzle is how you monetise that market."

Jist Media tackles this challenge by prioritising high-quality, original content.  "The clear differentiator between somebody who is just creating content and someone who wants to become a media brand and a media personality is the original content you create," says Mukherjee.

Content with a Purpose

Jist Media offers a diverse range of content to cater to the specific needs and interests of millennials and Gen Z. From in-depth interviews with prominent politicians in 'The Hotspot' to exclusive insights into the film industry with 'Townhall,' providing a well-rounded perspective on current events and entertainment. 'Spotlight' explores the world of social media influencers, helping Gen Z understand the landscape. 'Unscripted' features diverse personalities from various walks of life, showcasing a range of perspectives. Jist Media doesn't shy away from capturing public opinion either - giving voice to the Gen Z and millennial audience.  Finally, fulfilling Jist's vision of "connecting the dots for the audience”, there are short-form explainer videos to unpack trending topics.

Building a Sustainable Model

Monetisation is a crucial aspect of any media platform. Jist Media is currently leveraging branded content partnerships. Mukherjee elaborates, "We're now in a space where we have enough scale and visibility in our target audience and demographic to go to brands and talk to them about reaching and orienting the community  we have at our disposal."

The Road Ahead

Looking towards the future, Mukherjee offers insights on the digital media landscape: "I think TV news, the way it exists, is almost irrelevant. The trust in mainstream programming is eroding very, very quickly." He emphasises the growing importance of digital content creators: "And this global exposure that digital has brought us has speeded it up with more and more people trusting digital brands and digital players."

According to Mukherjee, Jist Media is well-positioned to thrive in this evolving environment. By offering high-quality, informative content that caters to the specific needs of millennials and Gen Z, Jist Media is empowering young audiences to navigate the ever-growing digital world.