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Fundamental wins WeWork account

BY Neeta Nair

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WeWork India, a leading provider of co-working spaces in the country had called for a pitch in June this year, sources have told exchange4media. Fundamental, the creative agency led by Pallavi Chakravarti is believed to have won the pitch.

The pitch was called in Bangalore and five ad agencies, including some independents and network agencies, had participated. Fundamental will be working on WeWork India’s upcoming brand campaign on a project basis.

WeWork had earlier worked with FCB Ulka on its ‘Great Inspires Great’ campaign, in 2022. exchange4media reached out to both Fundamental and WeWork on the development but did not receive a response when filing the story.

WeWork India, which started operations in 2017, has over 8 million square feet of assets in 57 locations in New Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Gurugram, Noida, Pune, Chennai and Hyderabad.

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