Unlocking Success: The Power of Brand Collaborations in Modern Marketing

Guest Column: Anirban Banerjee, Senior VP & SBU Head (Batteries and Flashlights), Eveready Industries India Ltd. writes about how evolving nature of brand collaborations on consumer behaviour

by Anirban Banerjee
Published - May 27, 2024
4 minutes To Read
Unlocking Success: The Power of Brand Collaborations in Modern Marketing

The world is changing faster than one ever thought. Modern consumers of today have transformed into someone who is always on the lookout for something new and exciting. Though there are multiple channels of marketing in this era, the actual voice of the brand still gets lost. In a situation like this, brand collaborations come to the rescue. Brand collaboration can be loosely defined as the outcome of two or more brands who come together to create a joint project, campaign, or product. 

The effectiveness of such collaborations becomes evident as they unite diverse brands while introducing an element of surprise. This strategy has been instrumental in many groundbreaking partnerships such as the unexpected pairing of Beekman 1802, a lifestyle brand renowned for its goat-milk skincare products with Nestlé Toll House®, a well-known baked goods brand. The combination of skincare and cookies might have seemed improbable but the result was a resounding success with reported sales of over $1 million in the initial hour of the collaboration's launch.  

Evolution of Brand Collaboration Using Modern Marketing Strategies  

Brand collaborations have evolved and adapted to modern marketing strategies. A shift towards authentic storytelling has been witnessed lately where unconventional narratives and the fusion of nostalgia and modernity create a deeper connection with consumers and resonate on multiple levels. Recent research estimated that about 71% of customers enjoy companies offering co-branded products. This approach involves sharing the collaboration's story through PR, influencers, and social media, allowing the message to reach a broader audience and create a more significant impact.   

The Impact of Brand Collaborations On Consumer Behavior  

It may be surprising to know that a brand can leave a first impression in a mere one-tenth of a second while it takes 5 to 7 impressions for consumers to remember a brand. This means that for the brands to create a meaningful impact on their consumers, it becomes imperative to tap into their choices within a very small time window. 

Consumers possess a keen ability to detect insincerity, readily identifying and vocalizing it on social media platforms. This means that collaborations have to be more diverse and sophisticated, including joint marketing campaigns, influencer partnerships, and social media activations.   

Benefits of Brand Collaborations  

Collaborations can provide impetus to brand awareness, and improved customer engagement which can enhance their credibility. These collaborations help form a unified and impactful presence which can eventually result in cost savings as brands share resources and expertise. Collaborations can also lead to innovation and creativity as brands challenge each other to push boundaries and think outside the box.  

As much as brand collaborations can prove to be exciting, they can prove to be sustainable too. Adidas, a global leader in sportswear and Allbirds, a company celebrated for its sustainable footwear once came together to design a shoe with an exceptionally low carbon footprint. What came out as the result was the most sustainable shoe in the world!

The Increasing Importance of Social Media and Influencer Collaborations  

It has now been witnessed that several influencers are assuming the role of a brand themselves. In this context, social media influencers are becoming not only promoters of more conventional brands but also represent their own unique brand identities. With what has been unknowledgeable for a few years, influencer marketing has expanded into a $21.1 billion industry as per the Influencer Marketing State of 2023 Report. 

Such collaborations are not limited by imagination. Travis Scott, the famous hip-hop artist, joined forces with PlayStation and into the gaming world to his skills and interests to create cool collaborations. There has never been a more appropriate time than now to allow influencer collaborations to tap into the influence and reach of social media personalities.  

Lastly, it is important to note that there have been instances of brand collaborations since the 1980s. But right now, their numbers are higher than ever. As John Maynard Keynes once said, "The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." Brands need to hold true to this wisdom as they are required to shed previously acceptable ideas and plans and push themselves toward constant evolution and reinvention. Brand collaborations are a truly interesting way to remain relevant and effective in a saturated world.  

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not in any way represent the views of pitchonnet.com