‘Life’s Good With Optimism’ Is A Reminder That Positive Thinking Is A Powerful Tool'

Neeta Linz, General Manager- Brand Marketing, LG Electronics India Shares Insights About The Life’s Good With Optimism Campaign, Shifting Brand Perception, Connecting With Consumers And More

by Ritika Raj
Published - June 12, 2024
4 minutes To Read
‘Life’s Good With Optimism’ Is A Reminder That Positive Thinking Is A Powerful Tool'

Uncertainty. Negativity. Anxiety. These are just a few words that define the current mental state of people globally. From a three-year spanning pandemic to economic instability, it's no wonder that many people are yearning for a sense of hope and optimism.  Understanding this yearning, in line with the global ‘Life’s Good’, LG Electronics India has come up with the initiative under the banner of ‘Life’s Good with Optimism’, aiming to combat negativity and inspire a more hopeful outlook. According to Neeta Linz, General Manager- Brand Marketing, LG Electronics India, this initiative goes beyond promoting products and aims to connect with consumers on a deeper level by encouraging a positive outlook. She adds, "We believe LG has a lot of potential to make a meaningful connection with customers, and we want to give consumers some live-form content to do that."

The "Live with Optimism" aims to combat negativity and inspire a more hopeful perspective, particularly in the wake of challenging times. Linz explains the campaign's philosophy, adding, 'Life's good' has been our tagline but it also means that we have a brand philosophy of Life's Good. It's a very simple thing, but it has a lot of meaning in it," she says. "We are living in very conservative times, so we believe that when we're optimistic, our life's good, and not just when everything is perfect. You choose to see a look at things which are positive."

Shifting Brand Perception

LG wants to move beyond being seen as solely a consumer electronics brand. Emphasising the brand’s desire to build a meaningful connection with consumers, the ‘Live with Optimism’ campaign aims to achieve it by Shifting Brand Perception, Content Focus and Understanding Consumer Needs. As Linz states, "When people think about LG, we want them to feel warm, because that's the brand projection we would like to make and for people to feel about this brand. That's where all our efforts are going to be right."

The campaign features inspiring content creators who share stories of overcoming challenges and living optimistically, resonating particularly with younger audiences like Gen Z - a key target group for this campaign. Acknowledging the importance of cultural nuances, the campaign in India, for instance, focuses on creating bite-sized content that is engaging for local audiences. Linz further adds, “In India, what we are trying to do is that we are trying to identify content, which can have more connectivity with consumers. And of course, it has to be interesting enough, because we are addressing audiences who would probably not like to consume more than one minute video." Linz also confirmed the campaign will give LG India headway to reach GenZ audiences and young adults as a brand that has been in India for about 27 years.

Looking Forward

LG India has already seen successful initiatives like sponsoring K-Pop contests - a popular trend among Gen Z, and research to understand how different consumer segments define a "good life”. the brand's commitment to fostering a positive outlook extends far beyond these initial efforts as LG has more in store. The "Optimism Your Feed" playlist launched on LG's global YouTube channel is a great starting point. The brand recently hosted a panel discussion in collaboration with influencers for their optimistic influence including Indian poet and author Gunjan Saini; DJ Barkha Kaul, Siddhartha Aalambayan, Director, Storyteller, Photo Maker, and Co-Founder of Fork Studio; Mohit Varshney, Psychiatrist and Avik Chaterjee, an expert in Executive Coaching and Organizational Development. Looking ahead, LG might explore creating content in new formats like podcasts or interactive social media campaigns. Partnerships with additional influencers who embody optimism and resilience could further amplify the message.

Further, the "Live with Optimism" message will not entirely be limited to marketing campaigns. LG might consider how its products and services can actively contribute to a more positive user experience.