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Shamsher Singh quits India Daily Live


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Senior TV journalist Shamsher Singh has resigned from Hindi news channel India Daily Live. India Daily Live was launched a few months ago under his leadership and he was serving as its Editor-in-Chief. Shamsher Singh has informed the team about his resignation.
In his farewell message, Shamsher Singh has written, 'Team, no one needs to panic. Rather, you all will feel relieved that from 5.30 in the morning, messages like Desk Call/ Input Call/ Anchors/ Destroyed/ Trashed will not come in the groups. Friends, both our promoters are very good, the new financier who has come is also good. You worked day and night without getting tired and took the channel to this point in such a short time, which is a record in itself. You have 3% market share, 11.8 Time Spent and you are 5th in the rural market position. It is a big achievement. I am proud of this team and the entire industry accepts this.
I have some values and I have some rules of my own with which I have neither compromised nor can I compromise. Therefore, I am separating myself from all of you. I can say this with 100% guarantee that this channel will run and will not be closed. You keep working with the same zeal and enthusiasm. Although I am 56-plus, I am not even thinking of retiring yet. See you. 'Bye'
Regarding this, Shamsher Singh has also shared a post on the social media platform X.

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Tags : Shamsher Singh India Daily Live TV Journalist