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Wild Stone CODE rolls out brand new TVC with new positioning statement


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Wild Stone CODE - male grooming-personal care brand from the house of McNROE Consumer Products Pvt Ltd - recently launched its brand new TVC with the tagline- ‘Enjoy The Start’. The creative idea is to show how a great fragrance transports the user to a surrealistic landscape/dream world. The tagline of the commercial 'Enjoy The Start' symbolizes the ecstatic beginning of every usual day offered by each whiff of Wild Stone CODE body perfume, that transports the wearer from the mundane to a whole new magical world.  The latest commercial is a brand extension exercise by Wild Stone whose premium offering CODE is crafted for the more discerning man. The brand has rolled out the commercial across all digital channels - including the official social media pages of CODE - as well as television, targeting the urban youth with evolved tastes and preferences. The exciting new commercial launched by the brand after a span of 2 years, portraying how the fragrance of the body perfume brightens up a usual day, has already garnered over 72 lakh views on YouTube. Expressing his excitement towards the launch of the campaign, Ankit Daga, Head – Business Development, McNROE Consumers Product Pvt Limited, said - "Wild Stone Code is our premium offering and has built its set of loyalists. The current communication has been developed to highlight the mood transformation one feels while indulging with a fine fragrance. We hope the communication helps to build the association of Code with a premium deodorant experience, distinct from rest of the offerings in the market".  Samrat Ghosh, General Manager Marketing, said, "Code communication has been developed to build the brand as the best in class offering, appealing to the evolved metrosexual man. We have built on sensorial experience leading to a dreamland kind of transportation and restaged the brand sign off to enjoy the start to drive product benefit and sensorial”.  The ad films were conceptualized by the global creative agency McCann India.

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