Zupee celebrates India’s glory with Republic Day film

The video captures the journey showcasing India's triumphs across diverse sectors

by Team PITCH
Published - January 29, 2024
1 minute To Read
Zupee celebrates India’s glory with Republic Day film

As India prepares to celebrate its 75th Republic Day, Zupee has released a film titled “India Paasa Palat Raha Hai" to celebrate India's remarkable journey of progress over the years.

The video takes us on a captivating journey showcasing India's triumphs across diverse sectors and shaping global trends, right from the Chandrayaan Moon landing, the success of ‘Make in India’ initiatives, India’s economic rise, to our athletes proudly claiming medals at the international stage, the video beautifully highlights the nation’s technological prowess and tremendous transformation as an emerging superpower.

The video also celebrates India's rich cultural and spiritual heritage and diversity. Zupee’s Republic Day film portrays India's relentless spirit to overcome challenges and emerge as a ‘game changer’ against all odds.