Two-thirds of media effectiveness is driven by creative: Tarun Ummat, Teads

At the e4m Business Leaders Retreat, Tarun Ummat,  Managing Director, India – Teads, shared how Generative AI can help improve the efficiency of campaigns

by Team PITCH
Published - August 09, 2024
3 minutes To Read
Two-thirds of media effectiveness is driven by creative: Tarun Ummat, Teads

Joining his industry peers, Tarun Ummat - Managing Director, India – Teads delivered a short but powerful presentation titled ‘The AI Wizardry Behind Media Campaign Success’ at the e4m Business Leaders Retreat.

“At Teads we think of Generative AI in two ways: the first is in how we can make things more effective, especially in the creative space; and secondly improving efficiencies as we drive for operational excellence. Teads Studio is a team of people as well as a creative platform that has been leading the way in beautiful creative formats for many years now, but we are always looking for ways to improve, especially because 2/3 of media effectiveness is driven by creative,” Tarun Ummat said at a session during the e4m Retreat .

He went on to share success stories and practical applications of AI by advertisers and how Teads is helping clients by delivering effective and targeted messaging.

“We have been engaging in pre-testing of video assets for some time. Our Creative Lab utilizes purpose-built panels of people who view content in controlled environments, allowing eye-tracking technology to measure the Attention, Emotion and Sentiment towards the content they have been shown. This can then be used to identify key moments that resonate with the audience and optimize these aspects to improve response,” said Ummat, adding the biggest challenge with the current panel-based approach is principally that it takes time to pull together.

Typically, the full process from submission of assets to delivery of the report is 10-15 working days. This is not always possible given very tight timelines.

Ummat noted that Teads has been working with a new partner, Neurons. Neurons Predict is an AI and Machine Learning tool designed for similar creative optimization. “It boasts a database from over 120k globally tested individuals, and has to date processed over 10 million assets to be able to boast a 95% accuracy rate when predicting the human response to creative. Crucially, this analysis can be done in a fraction of the time vs a human panel.”

He showcased how Teads had recently leveraged Neurons Predict to help food delivery brand Foodpanda’s Filipino operations, wherein they created a new campaign using these AI tools to achieve an overall average lift of 17% in Ad Recall, and 6% in Brand Linkage.

Ummat also introduced AI Creative Lab. “This is a new tool our innovation team have created to allow us to input any URL, and within a matter of moments, the tool will crawl the destination and create multiple versions of creative that are purpose-built for mid and lower-funnel campaigns. Not only that, but the user can then make changes to the copy instantaneously, and create multiple versions of headlines. The tool will try to find them on the page, and if unsuccessful the AI will generate own suggestions.”

The user can also add multiple image variations and call to actions to arm the campaign with a huge variety of assets to allow it to optimize most effectively.

“And now for the results – the new assets delivered similar performance to the original assets in most cases, but managed to decrease the eCPC by 9% and the eCPV by 5%. Crucially the build of new assets took minutes and re-utilised the time already spent in building the website,” said Ummat, wrapping up his session with a demonstration on how Teads helped Nissan in Singapore with the new tool.