Cinthol brings together the adventurers and explorers with its first ever community - Cinthol Awesome Explorers

Successfully concludes its UGC digital campaign #CintholAliveAdventures Cinthol, a brand that stands for exploration and adventure, found a unique way to create relevance at a time when most consumers were steering away from the outdoors. Th

by Team PITCH
Published - December 01, 2020
2 minutes To Read
Cinthol brings together the adventurers and explorers with its first ever community - Cinthol Awesome Explorers

Successfully concludes its UGC digital campaign #CintholAliveAdventures Cinthol, a brand that stands for exploration and adventure, found a unique way to create relevance at a time when most consumers were steering away from the outdoors. The brand realised that as travel in this year became more and more a distant dream, most of the population was experiencing was a strong yearning to relive the travels and adventures of yesteryears. There was also a strong desire to vicariously feel the thrill that a new adventure or a new exploration promises to offer. This led to Cinthol creating a first of its kind travel community – which brings together people who love travel & adventure. In line with the brand philosophy, this community is called #CintholAwesomeExplorers.   India’s top adventurers and travelers are already part of this community. The lineup includes actress turned travel influencer Shehnaz Treasurywala, motovlogger Vishakha Fulsunge, photographer and travel blogger Anunay Sood, travel influencer Trishita Bhattacharya, motorcyclist Harish Kumar, any many more.  Sharing his thoughts on the initiative and creation of Cinthol Awesome Explorers Community, Sunil Kataria, CEO – India & SAARC, Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL), said, “Cinthol is amongst the most iconic brands that enjoys a very strong affinity with consumers for decades. The brand is built on its core philosophy of ‘Alive Is Awesome’. It is all about being an explorer and be simply awesome.  Creation of a unique travel and adventure loving community is a strategic move by Cinthol and will further help to strengthen its imagery of being an explorer brand.” While kick-starting the community, the brand announced #CintholAliveAdventures, a UGC digital campaign offering people a chance to relive the past adventurous experiences and get rewarded with Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. People were encouraged to share videos or photos of their most alive adventures from the past using #CintholAliveAdventures. This initiative went live in October across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages of Cinthol and concluded in November.  More than 740 entry based content pieces were received from across India. The campaign reached over 20 million people and 56 million impressions. A total of 15 winners was shortlisted, who shared their most unique and adventurous experiences.  As the Cinthol Awesome Explorers community establishes itself online as well offline, it is gearing up for many-more interesting initiatives in days to come. Stay tuned and watch out for this community as it makes patrons relive the moments they felt the most alive.